DHPG Community Rentals

DHPG Community Rentals

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Early on our DH journey, one of our goals was for everyone to have a ‘home’ at DHPG – no matter how small the parcel! 

Due to the small size of the grid, that meant Brandy setting up specific regions with free land for grid members. As the grid has grown, we have seen a higher demand for this, and our very own grid members have jumped in to meet the gap with Community Rentals.

Needless to say, if you want to support the ongoing DHPG free rentals, and keep the grid running, we encourage you to rent a region: Darkheart's Playground | Opensim's most inclusive grid, come join our vibrant community! | Patreon

What are community rentals?

Community Rentals are free rentals offered by grid member in their own private, paid, regions. Most of them revolver around specific themes, fully landscaped, giving their renters a full experience for their homes!

What are the main differences?

Each specific region might have their own terms and conditions for renting: make sure to read the notecard they have facilitated for that!

They might or might not use the same rental system we use, again, read the notecard and/or ask the contact person.

What are the main benefits of a Community Rental vs. normal DHPG Rentals?

The rentals offered by DHPG are very simply set up – they usually don’t have a theme, and are self-server. 

Community Rentals offer a full experience within the region, theme, and vision of the owner. Many time they will come with community events, or even RPs of HOA’s! Some even have a whole amusement park right next door, or a nekkie beach, or a quarry…

Where can I find Community Rentals?

We have set up a wall at our Main Office where you can find each listed one, with a notecard, and a teleport button.

Please bear in mind that any support needed with those rentals should be aimed at the contact person of the region.

Important Note: If you choose one of these rentals, we kindly as you to vacate your other, DHPG, rental for other new members to enjoy.

I have a region and want to make some rentals available, how can I do it?

Have a look at the note on our discord, and send us those details