New Darkhearts Playground Website

New Darkhearts Playground Website

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Hi all, our new website went live in the early hours of this morning. I see that several new users have already found it and gone through the new and improved Registration process :)

The new url is

The old url ( will redirect to the new site.

Login to the website is based on grid login details. Currently we have User Profiles, Online Users, Location info, FAQs and a few other pieces of information there. Our new Rentals system is also up and running as part of the new site but there's not much to see on that yet from a renter perspective as it's mostly administration.

The next release will add Events to the site. In addition to providing the Events Team with a central location for scheduling and managing events, it will also give us Real-Time Event Boards that will be placed at various locations in-world.

There will be other new functionality going into the site over the coming weeks, some of which will be more relevant to region owners and such, but we also aim to have our Newsletter online in the form of a blog, as well as someone to manage news & communication, so that we do start communicating more regularly (which is pretty much the major point of the site).

It has been a lot of work as we're not just building a website - we're building a complete end-to-end grid management system. We now have the platform in place upon which we can build everything else. Our Technology Manager, Derik, has made a fantastic job of it and really has to be singled out for his amazing work, even though he'll kill me for that :)

More to come as we progress :)

The Darkhearts Technology Team