Grid Leadership

Brandy Darkheart
CEO, Founder & Owner
Anael Starchild
COO & Senior Grid Admin
Sally Jackson
CTO & Senior Grid Admin
Mark McKaye
CISO & Senior Grid AdminGrid Admins
Our Grid Admin Team look after the well-being of the grid, and it's residents. They each have their respective areas of responsibility as well.

Derik Jackson
Technology Manager & Grid Admin
Mandy Darkheart
VIP Programme Admin
Reckless Love
Communications Mgr & Grid Admin
Clannad Heartstring
Grid Operations Lead & Grid Admin
Sophie Momo
Technology Lead & Grid Admin
Willy Lando
Grid Design Manager & Grid Admin
Kali Wilder
Lead Events Manager & Grid Admin
Kit Pixelmaid
Compliance Lead & Grid Admin
Scarlett Ruby
Compliance Lead & Grid Admin
Semyon Kepler
Compliance Lead & Grid Admin
Jamie Adored
Compliance Lead & Grid AdminGrid Operations
Our Grid Operations Team look after Region Design & Build, Roleplay Environment Builds and Land Rentals

Jaden Jackson
Design & Build Lead
Alessia Nobusho
Land & Rentals Lead
Pantera Solstice
Design & Build Lead
Shan Naggins
Design & Build Lead
Lana Lemmens
Design & Build Lead
Dorinda Vernal
Design & Build Lead
Ani Oosan
Land&Rentals Lead / Grid Liaison
Adeline Lando
Design&Build Lead / Grid LiaisonEvents Team
Our Events Team are responsible for organising and scheduling of regular and ad-hoc events across the grid. They also coordinate with region & venue owners to ensure their events are supported and promoted effectively.

Duke Nobusho
Events Manager
Mary Orion
Events ManagerCommunications
Our Communications Team are responsible for keeping everyone up to date with what's going on around the grid. They also promote the grid across the wider Opensim community.

Tru Wilder
Communications OfficerTechnology & Platform
Our Technology Team keep our servers, platform and website running smoothly. They also provide the infrastructure and tools to support our Roleplay environments.

Matthew Stevenson
IT Projects Officer